Home»Other»Good News Supporters Get Rewarded for How They Do Life

Good News Supporters Get Rewarded for How They Do Life

Since our launch of both ValpoLife.com and PortageLife.com, we’ve had great support from folks throughout the community, in spreading the word about Good News. To reward our active supporters and to continue spreading the good, we’ve introduced a line of “How Do You Do LIFE” shirts.

Jon Groth is the #1 “How Do You Do Life” t-shirt recipient. Jon has lent his wisdom, lunch time, positive energy, and countless encouragements to our efforts. Thank you Jon.

Olga Velaquez is our #1 Portage “How Do You Do Life” t-shirt recipient. Mayor Olga personally invited us to come to Portage soon after we launched ValpoLife, and has been an active fan of PortageLife and encouraged us with everything we have done. Thank you.

#2 How Do You Do Life t-shirt recipient is Cathy Brown. She has helped us by putting out signs, postcards, hosting an ice cream social, bringing ice cream to our backyard party, and generally speaking, big heaping scoops of positive karma our way with encouragement from day one. So Cathy- How Do You Do LIFE?

Ken Elwood is our #2 “How Do You Do Life” t-shirt recipient in Portage. Ken got involved with us in Valparaiso, and has been a huge help to us in Portage. Helping us to connect to many of the sports leagues in Portage, things going on at the schools, and being a sponsor of PortageLife, and many introductions to people and organizations that have good news to share. Thank you Ken.

We would like to thank Bill Hanna who was the very first one that we presented the idea for ValpoLife to over 2 years ago. He thought the idea was great and gave it his thumbs up. Thanks for your early support and vote of confidence Bill.

We’d like to say thank you to Michelle Golab for being one of the earliest believers in PortageLife and our positive message for Portage that she shows in her Topperz eatery. Congratulations and thank you Michelle.

Donna Flanagin has been a contributor, an advertiser, a fan, friend, neighbor, and all around encourager of ValpoLife.com since the beginning. Always has a positive word of encouragement for what we are doing, a friendly smile whenever we see her in town. Donna, your support is much appreciated.

Dennis Ticen of Portage First United Methodist Church responded right away when we reached out into the faith community in Portage a year ago and asked them to help us, help them spread their positive message. He has contributed his blog, events they have coming up, and engaged with us every time to help us spread our message as well. Thanks Pastor Dennis.

Susan Antoszewski was there to help us project our first presentation about ValpoLife 2 years ago and saw the positive light we were trying to shine on Valpo, while others have stayed in the dark, and for that sunny, supportive view on LIFE, we salute you. Thank you Susan- keep shining and smiling!

Nancy Simpson at the Portage Township YMCA embraced how PortageLife could help her communicate about all the great programs and people involved with the Y, and has been our most active contributor, and a big supporter of what we are trying to do in Portage. Thank you Nancy.

Jonathan Nalli was the first business executive to see the positive potential in ValpoLife when we launched, and Porter has been a major partner of ValpoLife and PortageLife throughout our Life, so to speak. Thanks for having the vision Jonathan, to try something new, and stepping up to show your support for a place that brings good news in Valpo together.

Brandon Miller reached out to us early on once we came to Portage and embraced the whole idea of having a place for positive stories about people that are helping the community in a wide variety of ways. He is working every day to help others in what he does with the Portage Resale Shop and his ministry work, and us folks at PortageLife appreciate his encouraging words and introductions to others.

Kathy Bledsoe is like a ray of sunshine every time I see her, and has been a crazy ValpoLife fan forever. Always gives me a hug, an encouraging word, wears her VL gear proudly, and “Like’s” so much of what we are doing. Thanks for being such a strong supporter Mrs. Bledsoe.

Mike Berta invited me to meet with all the principals in the Portage School system right when we started, and has embraced what we can do to help the schools communicate. He believes and works hard for those kids, and he has believed in us and we really appreciate that active support. Thanks Mr. Berta!

Bob Franko is being officially welcomed into the Good Guys Who Get It Club, as we thank him for seeing the value of what we can provide to the community, and helping us tell our story to others who don’t yet get it. Bob wins not only a t-shirt, but our eternal admiration.

We met Neil McLaughlin soon after we launched ValpoLife and he and Minutemen Press have been encouraging PortageLife.com and the concept of what we are trying to do in these communities since we began. Neil is incredibly involved in every community he serves, and deserves not only our appreciation but one of the shirts as well.

Sam Maule of Pikk’s Tavern has been an early and active supporter of what we do here in Valpo, as an advertiser, grilling up mini-burgers at our Biz in the Backyard event, and working with us on promotions and events at the restaurant, in addition to being a good guy and knowing a ton about beer. Thank you Sam!

Sunny Friday and a weekend of baseball coming up in Portage means Edna Elwood will be all over town at schools, Portage Bulldawgs ball fields, and community events. We want to thank Edna for being an early, active, and vocal supporter of PortageLife.com with stories, pictures, notes on upcoming events, and lots of words of encouragement along the way.

Some people just seem to have positive bursting out of them, and the best of them find ways to share it all over the place. Barby Alfredson is one of those ladies who has been a cheerleader for what we are doing, and has done that more consistently in more ways than most anyone I know. Taking photos, writing articles, giving us shout outs, and telling others how easy it is to share their own stories. Thank you Barby.

Dr. Ric Frataccia has appreciated the Good News aspect of what we do since the first time I met him at Saturday morning breakfast club, and he is an outstanding leader and mentor for the kids in the Portage schools, in addition to being involved in countless community service groups. Thank you Ric for supporting PortageLife.

No surprise that Steve Dalton was one of the earliest fans of ValpoLife as he has been with many other new technology ways of communicating, he is very involved in youth sports, the Valpo community, and enjoys Good times. Thanks Steve for your early and consistent support for this crazy notion.

No way you can recognize positive people making an impact in Portage without including Robin Wilkening. She writes all about positive stuff going on in Portage every week for the Times, she runs a successful real estate biz in town, supports her husband who is a firefighter for Portage, volunteers for tons of events in Portage, and is an active member of First United Methodist Church. Thanks for being a great example for others Robin.

Dude! Ben Lamb is one of the most positive guys I have ever met, full of energy, ideas, positive words of encouragement, and shares true excitement with us for the messages we try to spread. Thank you Ben for being a believer and a vocal spokesman for LIFE!

Dolly Cummins from Cappo's offers a popular restaurant in Portage, whom we have helped with her golf outing fundraiser, and promoting the restaurant. She was an early supporter of PortageLife as an advertiser and continues to be, and her place is home to many positive stories of families and business coming together for great food and friendship. Thank you Dolly.

Gina Wagenblast has been a great connection with the Valparaiso Community Schools, communicating the great things going on in the Valpo schools. She has been instrumental in notifying us of upcoming events and fun stories to share. Gina, we thank you for your positive attitude and enthusiasm. We're giving you a "How You Do Life" shirt

Debra Dudek from the Portage Township Schools wholeheartedly embraced the principale of promoting good kids and teachers doing good stuff in the Portage community. She took the reins and communicates so much good with lots of enthusiasm, as well as encourages others to share as well. Thank you Debra. We have one of our "How Do You Do Life" shirts for you.

Ivan Bodensteiner has been a friend, supporter, landlord, advisor, and jack of all trades tree trimmer, and carpet puller helping us to get established here at 5 Napoleon in downtown Valpo. On top of being one of the nicest, most respected, and most calm guys I have ever known. He has believed in our mission since we began, and he will be one of the members of the 50 How Do You Do Life? T-shirt club I am most proud to have.

Every time I stop in the Mayor's office, Norma Laboy is there to greet me with a smile and how can I help. Every time Karin or I call to check on something going on within the city, she has the answer right at the tip of her fingers, or she will chase it down right away and get back to us. We're in the outreach business, and it is so great when the people you work with reach back and support what you are doing. Thank you Norma Laboy!

Fred Cicco has been a trend setter as you can tell by this photo for many years. He has been a friend of mine and ValpoLife since we first met, and finds a way to bring us a laugh and a funny comment every time we see him. He has produced the How Do You Do Life? T-Shirts for us and wins one for being a true gentleman and a scholar (at least that is what he tells us). Thank you Freddy.

Janice Wilson stepped forward to support PortageLife with NorthShore Health Centers when we first launched because she believed so strongly in our mission to report on all of the Good things happening and people that make up Portage Indiana. She has boundless energy, a warm heart, and makes me feel like my own mom every time I see her. We thank you Jan as one of our 50 How Do You Do Life? T-shirt winners for all that you do in Portage.

One of our first PortageLife.com contributors, Ben Polhemus has proven himself to be a strong beleiver in the power of positive stories, and he supports tons of great things throughout the community. Thanks for being a supporter Ben.

Bob Phelps is a tireless, engaging and impactful guy to so many kids in Valpo through his education, life lessons and hard working principals in the Video Production and Media Studies at the Porter County Career and Tech Center. He's been a great supporter of ValpoLife and we thank you Bob!

John Peterson is a fun guy that is supporting Portage through his work Midwest Family Credit Union, his support of the Chamber, and so many other positive community efforts like PortageLife. We thank you John for your support and offer you a "How Do You Do LIFE" shirt as a thank you.

How can you not totally love this guy? Brad Cavanaugh is a rockstar supporter of ValpoLife, along with my best friend and brother in law and cool photographer-owner of Air One Custom Photography. Thanks for rocking the How Do You Do Life? shirt, Brad!

Here is to Chris Barbauld of the The Barbauld Agency, whom I love spending time with as our minds race through hundreds of ideas- some good and some just crazy. He is fun, creative, and a big believer in the power of LIFE so we are giving him one of our 50 "How Do You LIFE?" t-shirts!

We love Michael Essany for his bright creative, passionate, and entertaining love for whatever he does and he loves. We are blessed that LIFE is one of those things he gives a thumbs up to. Thanks Michael and welcome to our top 50 Lifers with a "How do you do Life?" shirt.