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Support Habitat for Humanity at the First Brat Bash

Habitat-Brat-BashHabitat for Humanity is an international, Christian-based organization dedicated to providing avenues to decent, affordable housing. In the interest of making the community more aware of the efforts of our local affiliate, and to invite our brothers and sisters to continue to celebrate and support our efforts with either the blessings of their time, talents, or treasures, Habitat of Porter County is hosting a "Friend-Raiser" social event -- our first (hopefully annual) "Brat Bash."

Originally scheduled for May 15 and rained out, the Brat Bash has been rescheduled for Sunday, June 5, 2011, from 2-6 pm at the Kirchoff Park North Shelter. Parking will be available at Parkview Elementary School. $8 per person for bratwurst and beverages or $5 per person if you bring a side dish or dessert to share with the crowd. Games and family activities will be available, as well as information on Habitat for Humanity and our upcoming plans and events.

Those interested in attending may direct any questions to Board Member Brent Wagner at 219.531.2468. We hope to see you there!