Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Portage Youth Commission to Host Pet Parade

Portage Youth Commission to Host Pet Parade

portage-pet-paradeThe Portage Youth Commission is hosting their annual Pet Parade on Saturday, May 21, 2011 starting at 1:30 p.m.  Registration/Line up will begin at 1:00pm in front of City Hall. The route will continue down Central Avenue and end at Founders Square Park where various pet organizations such as Kentuckiana Pug Rescue and Safe Haven Pet Rescue will be set up with information for interested pet owners.  All pets must be leashed and have proof of current vaccinations at the time of registration.

Awards will be given for the Cutest Pet, Best Dressed, and Trainer Look Alike. There will also be a talent show. Pet adoption agencies will be on hand with animals and information.

Entry is free; applications are available at City Hall-Mayor’s Office, online at www.ci.portage.in.us or during registration on Saturday.  Donations will be accepted for distribution to area animal agencies.