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Take Pride in Portage Clean-Up Day

city_of_portageOn Saturday, April 9 beginning at 9:00a.m, Mayor Olga G. Velazquez along with the City of Portage Park Department is sponsoring a “Take Pride in Portage Clean-Up Day”. All individuals and community service groups are encouraged to participate by donating their community service hours while helping to beautify our city.

Interested participants should report to one of four locations at 8:45am on Saturday, April 9th. Pick a location most convenient to where you live. The locations are:

  • Woodland Park in the parking lot in front of the Community Center
  • Imagination Glen parking lot
  • Portage High School East parking lot
  • Boys & Girls Club parking lot

At each of these locations, a Park Department representative will assign groups of three or four to different areas of the city to pick up trash, at intersections, along roads, at railroad crossings, etc. You will be issued trash bags and a map for your location.

PLEASE bring gloves, weather appropriate clothing (rain included), and sturdy shoes. Volunteers should plan on working for about three hours. Individuals helping on this day will enjoy pizza and pop/water at the Blue Spruce Room from noon to 1:00.

For anyone else who just wants to help clean up our city, feel free to organize clean-up efforts within your neighborhood, at your church or business. If you have signed up already to sponsor a trail, this would be a great day to do one of your quarterly clean-ups as well…everyone should pick up trash wherever the need exists.

To register volunteers, choose your meeting location or for more information, please call the Park Department at 762-1675.