Everybody in the #219 raise your hand. Sometime ago, more than a few of us got into a great conversation over using the hashtag #nwindiana or #nwi. So, today in the shower, which is where I do some of my best thinking. I said to myself “did anyone ever suggest #219?”
Really, outside of using #daregion, which opens up a whole round of debate on whether or not what parts of #nwiIndiana are actually in the “region”. I still maintain that LaPorte is easily very much part of the “region” while others would wrongly disagree with me.
However, the #219 represents Northwest Indiana as well if not better than any other hashtag out there. Perhaps, Ma Bell really knew what she was doing back in 2002. When she broke up the northern third of the state into three area codes, with #nwi retaining the #219 and #michiana getting the #574. Plus, Ft. Wayne being saddled with #260. Well, someone had to get the cast off.
Yes, I know there are parts of LaPorte county that carries the albatross of 574, but I'm waiting for them to be annexed into St. Jo any day. So, lets think about it for we just dismiss it. The #219 is not being used as an active hash tag anywhere, andit saves us characters like some argued that #nwi would have and there is tie-in to a dead tree media.
So, not only does #219 cover all of #nwindiana, but best of all saves us seven characters. For many of us those seven characters would allow us to get just a little more information out there and/or allows others to ReTweet (RT) us easier. Well, there are some things that don't need to be repeated.
So, I offer up this up to those that use #nwindiana or #nwi. Can we agree that #219 would serve us much better than #nwindiana.