Home»Community»Serving»Portage Resident Praises Mayor, Street Department for Job Well Done

Portage Resident Praises Mayor, Street Department for Job Well Done

Portage-Blizzard-CleanupA letter from a Portage resident to the Mayor, regarding the clean up from the recent blizzard

Mayor Velazquez

I so much want to thank you for your help, I understand that mother nature has dealt us an unusual blow. I also appreciate all the hard working men and women of the street department that have spent so much time away from their family's this winter to keep our streets clear. They deserve a job well done from all the residents of Portage. It is with this understanding that I was willing to do what I could to clear the cul de sac to get my wife to work, as I am not the only resident that these fine men and women are trying to dig out. In hind sight I wish to apologize for complaining, as it was probably a simple misunderstanding on which side of the cul de sac that needed attention when I called the street department on Feb 2. And for that female resident you mentioned speaking to staff disrespectfully, I am in 100% agreement with you that this is totally uncalled for. Again I would like to thank you so much for your help and hope that you will consider staying our mayor for along time.