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Porter County Career & Technical Center Mentor Future Students

On January 26, 2011, the Porter Country Career & Technical Center hosted students from surrounding middle schools for their mentorship program. This program allows students from middle schools in Valparaiso, Portage, Chesterton, Hobart, Boon Grove, Kouts, Hebron, Washington township and Wheeler to meet with high school students currently attending the Career Center to learn about different careers they might be interesting in going into themselves.

One of the schools taking the tour at the Center was a Hobart middle school 7th grade class. Their teacher is Ryan Turley. Their tour guide was Valparaiso High School Student and Mentor Matt McGowan. First on the tour was the Building Trades Department, taught by Mr. Doan. Mentoring in the class room was Jake Alfredson. Jake talked to the kids about the basics of building a home and what they do in Building Trades. He demonstrated the basics of how to hammer a nail properly and the use of safety equipment. All the kids were given the chance to try to hammer a nail on their own, it was a lot harder than it looked. By taking Building Trades, the students would get hands on experience in building a real home. It takes 1-2 years to complete a home. (photos include: Jake Alfredson class mentor, Matt McGowan Tour Mentor, JJ Burden hammering a nail, Teacher Ryan Turley assisting a student, Jake Alfredson & teacher Mr. Doan)

Next stop Video Production. There the Hobart students learned about broad casting, news casting, film editing and more. The teacher for this course is Mr. Phelps, mentoring the students was Mitch Ashby. Mitch shared with the them that Video Production is a very fun class to take and one reason is that it gives them the opportunity to broadcast at current sporting events. If you want to see anything that was produced by the Video Department, search "Porter County Career Center" on YouTube. (photos include: Mitch Ashby class mentor, Brock Budzielek & David Fifer sitting in the studio, Dani Moore behind the camera)

There is also a wide range of Health Careers to choose from, from veterinary medicine to learning to work in the ER. Mentor Ian Ansburg demonstrated to the Hobart class how to perform adult CPR, infant CPR and how to shock a person's heart safely if necessary. Ian also said by completing the two year course, he will graduate as a CNA (certified nurses assistant) before even entering college. In Health Careers you may have the opportunity to shadow a doctor or go on ride alongs with the Fire Department and/or paramedics. (Photos include: JJ Burden & Antonia Neal learning adult CPR, Morgan Barasas & Zoie Spain learning infant CPR)

The next four stops included Computer Labs and Modern Machines. These classes are both taught by Mr. Carmack and work in collaboration frequently with with the Electronics Department, taught by Mr. Kenning, and CAD or Computer Aided Drafting, taught by Mr. Guinee. In these classes the students can choose careers in metal work, engineering, architecture, working in aerospace, animation, and more. One thing Mentor Cody Novak in Electronics said is that these classes involve a lot of math so it is highly recommended "to keep up on algebra, calculus and trigonometry". Class Mentor Zach Suchamuk in the Modern Machine Department says that even though it is fun designing things out of metal like his belt buckle, "it involves a lot of math". (Photos include: Mr. Carmack teaching in Computers, The 3D laser scanner used in Computer labs, Zach Suchamuk instructing in Modern Machines, A mallet made from aluminum in Modern Machines, Cody Novak instructing in Electronics)

Counselor Mrs. Sorenson told the Hobart 7th grade class that there is also a Sports Marketing/Business Ownership Program for those that might be interested in a Marketing Career. The Career Center Marketing Students run a Snack Shop for the other Career Center Students. The Marketing Students learn how to keep inventory, learn about supply and demand and everyone is happy to have "Hot Pockets" this year. They learn what sells and what doesn't and learn how to keep a proper inventory. Not leaving out the Sports Marketing in which they will have the opportunity to develop a sports team of their own from the ground up. (photo includes: Mrs. Sorenson along with tour mentor Matt McGowen)

Last, but not least on the tour is The Automotive Department taught by Mr. Sickles and Mr. Avalos. Automotive is a hands on experience in which the students have the opportunity to earn field experience toward their ASE certification. ASE is Auto Service Excellence. By completing a 2 year course in Automotive the students earn 1/2 year for each year completed in at the Career Center, with a total of 1 year earned toward the 3 year requirement of field work for the ASE Certification. A current project the Automotive Department is working on is transforming a four door 1990 Pontiac and turning it into a two door car. One way the Department is able to have access to cars is by donation. If you want to donate a car to the Automotive Department, contact the Porter County Career & Technical Center and ask for Mr. Sickles or Mr. Avalos. (photos include: 1951 Pontiac, Mr. Sickles next to a 1951 Henry J compact, 1990 Pontiac 2 door car project, and a donated 1990 Mustang).

This was an amazing opportunity for Hobart Middle School Students as well as the other schools that got to participate in the mentorship program, to consider taking advantage of The Porter Country Career & Technical Center when they enter high school.