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Portage High Achieves Full Accreditation

INDIAN_HEADWritten by Mike Spagna, Assistant Principal, Portage High School

We all have our own perception that what we do and how we do it is the best way. It is also good to have others come from the outside to evaluate and either validate or invalidate our views and methods. Portage High School experienced this process in mid-October through the Advanc-Ed organization and the Quality Assurance Review (QAR) process. Portage High School achieved the highest status of Full Accreditation.

To become accredited, PHS must meet the Advanc-Ed standards and policies for quality schools. The seven standards were broken down into multiple indicators that were reviewed with required artifacts or evidence (test data, surveys, etc.) as proof they were being met. PHS also must engage in continuous improvement to meet the needs of the ever changing student. Lastly, PHS must conduct an internal review and self-assessment. Every five years a Quality Assurance Review Team visits to evaluate the school based on the seven standards.

The results of the process solidified that Portage High School, through analyzing data, identifying our strengths and weaknesses, and using “best practices” in our instruction, is accomplishing great feats. This is being accomplished through the collaboration of the entire school community, represented by our students, parents, teachers, staff, administrators, and all of the other schools within Portage Township Schools who work together to promote the values and strategies, what we like to call “The Portage Way.”

The QAR Team interviewed 167 teachers, 55 students, 30 support staff, 18 administrators, and 6 parents. The QAR Team praised the faculty and staff for collaborating across the curriculum after school hours to ensure student learning and success. The staff puts in countless hours of their own time to coordinate teaching strategies and map curricula. Students, through the interview process, complemented the staff for being available before and after their contractual time to assist with additional instruction. The dedication of the PHS staff to benefit all students is incredible. Their strong work ethic serves as a model for the student body of Portage High School.

The QAR Team also felt that Portage High School is ahead of the game on using data from assessment results to determine intervention for students. This data has allowed for intervention programs such as the “Looping Program,” that provides additional instruction in Math and English. Power Indicator quizzes allow teachers to find problem areas in the curriculum and to re-teach deficiencies so that students reach 80% proficiency. As a result, our state test scores have risen significantly.

Lastly, the QAR Team felt our corporation’s Five Critical Values of having the courage to be honest, respectful, responsible, fair and compassionate are valuable life skills that will be used throughout a student’s life. The Critical Values are intertwined within the school day through instruction, interactions with others, and even discipline. These Five Critical Values have paved the way for positive student expectations within the Portage Community.

In the these times of ever changing technology and a fast track society, the Portage High School Community should be proud of their accomplishment. Through the dedication, support, and hard work of everyone, Portage High School has set the tone for success. The staff of PHS has risen to the challenge in finding the best practices for all students to find success in their education. Through the Advanc-Ed evaluation process, our perception of what works best for us at PHS was reinforced by a highly trained and respected team in education with our label of Full Accreditation.