Home»Other»Fall Youth Programs at the Portage Public Library

Fall Youth Programs at the Portage Public Library

Fall Activities, December 1, 5:30 pm Story-books
Children in grades K-2 are welcome to join us on the first Wednesday of the month for a variety of activities. We will be making crafts, doing puzzles and playing games. Registration is required and there is a $1.00 fee for this event. Limit: 10

Tri-Kappa Story Time, December 8 and 15, 10:30 am
Join the volunteers from Tri-Kappa for this special story time. There will be two guest story tellers on each of the dates. They will tell stories, make a craft and even sing some silly songs! No registration is required and all ages are welcomed!

Fancy Nancy Holiday Party at the Portage Public Library, December 11, 11am and 12 pm
Join us for a Fancy Holiday Party. Children in Preschool through Elementary are welcome to wear your fancy clothes and we will have special jewelry for you to wear. You can also get your nails painted! We will be serving snacks. There will be a $1 charge for this event. Limit of 20 seats for this event!

Open House Gaming at the Portage Public Library, December 20-30, all day
Come play one of our board games or bring your own. DS gamers welcomed bring a friend and link up!

Movies @ the Library, December 29, 3:00 pm
Join us for Toy Story III. Bring your own snack and a friend. No registration required.