Home»Other»Holiday Membership Specials at the Portage YMCA

Holiday Membership Specials at the Portage YMCA

ymca-new-logo-blueSince no two communities are exactly alike, no two Y’s are exactly alike. The Portage Township YMCA brings men, women and children together to learn, grow and thrive. Take advantage of our YMCA membership special that will be running from November 15 thru November 30. Bring in a canned good to be donated to the Portage Food Pantry or a toy to be donated to Toys for Tots and you will receive half off of the Y’s joiner fee. Join us-we could use someone like you!

Also, from tell a friend about our winter special which is great for ones that are home for the holidays or just wanting to see what the YMCA is all about. This special will run from December 1 thru December 31. Enroll in a membership for 15 days for only $20 or 30 days for only $40 with NO JOINER FEE!. While our programs and facilities are always based on the unique needs and interests of our communities, every Y has one thing in common: our people.

Don’t forget to give the gift of health this year. Gift certificates are available at the Welcome Center in any denomination which can be used for programs or membership. The Y has something for everyone.