Home»Other»Reilly C. Bush Memorial Foundation Inducted Into Society of Innovators

Reilly C. Bush Memorial Foundation Inducted Into Society of Innovators

Reilly C. Bush Memorial Foundation was inducted as a member of the Society of Innovators during the Society’s 2010-2011 6th Annual Induction Ceremony on October 21, 2010. The Society honors the most innovative “thinkers and doers” in Northwest Indiana, establishing the area as a “Region of Innovation”. ReillyLogo

The Foundation’s signature program, Philanthropy Boot Camp Program, focuses on teaching philanthropy to high school students in Porter County. Hosted in partnership with Valparaiso and Portage High Schools, Philanthropy Boot Camp is getting ready to begin its third year educating youth about philanthropy, the nonprofit industry, fundraising, and community issues. More than 200 Porter County students have benefited from this program, and several Porter County nonprofits have receives grants from the students’ fundraising efforts.

The Society of Innovators was established in 2005 by Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana Northwest and founding partners: ArcelorMittal, Bukava Imaging, Horseshoe Casino, Krieg DeVault, and the Times Media Company. The mission of the Society is to 1) celebrate innovators and innovation in Northwest Indiana among individuals and teams; 2) encourage innovation across all sectors of our region; and 3) inspire innovation among the generations.

About Reilly C. Bush Memorial Foundation, Inc. Rileys-Boot-Camp

Founded in 2007, the Reilly C. Bush Memorial Foundation is a non-profit organization located in Valparaiso, Indiana, that is devoted to enriching communities by creating a network of children helping children. The work of the Reilly Foundation is based around the principle of giving forward, and we believe that the earlier this principle is instilled in a child’s life, the greater the potential for cultivating civic minded adults and life-long volunteers.