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This Week in Spontaneity

A few happenings in Indianapolis have my mother out of town for the weekend. Unfortunately, with her out of town, I am completely incapable of doing my own laundry; just kidding. I do accomplish the feat of doing my laundry, all by myself, like a big kid.

What my mother’s weekend trip does do, however, is leaves my father alone for the Purdue football game. Knowing how us Kolodzinskis get when watching Purdue Athletics, for the sake of our own sanity (and for the safety of the television and/or any throw able objects) it would be in my best interest to use the buddy system, and watch the game tomorrow morning with my pops.

Ok, so that is a mild exaggeration. Truth be told, it is always nice to venture out of my apartment and visit home.

Whenever I think about “home” I think of Jim Nabors. Weird, I know, but other than the fact that many people have compared me to his most famous characters “Gomer Pyle” I mostly think of his version of “Back Home Again, in Indiana.” Home is where the heart is.

Indiana is home to me. It always will be. Throughout the short life of my career, I have had the opportunity to move across the country as opportunities have arisen. Everywhere from L.A. and New Mexico, to Chicago, New York, Florida, and Detroit have at some point called my name.

I just can’t see myself moving out of this area. My home is in Indiana.

I drove today to meet with a fantastic client in Hammond, Indiana. As I wound through the streets of Hammond, I drove by the types of things that attract me to the region, and keep my heart here.

I drove past a community center named for one of my personal heroes (humorous film maker, tongue freezer, and glass leg shatter-er), Jean Shepherd, and passed by the John Dillinger Museum at the Indiana Welcome Center. Driving home I passed by the lifeblood of many, the steel mills, and the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, two very unique Indiana mainstays. Throw in a BOZO hot dog, and maybe a home town pizza tonight, this would be an all encompassing region day!

As I drove back to the office, the smell of fall was in there air, as the leaves are beginning to change. People are sporting jackets, and the change of seasons is almost in full effect. This, in my opinion, is Indiana’s finest time.

There is something about Indiana that I really hold dear. Whether it’s the brown stalks of corn late in the season or the fact that everybody is willing to give you a smile and a “Hello,” things are just pleasant around here! I am happy to be home in Indiana!

Tell me folks, I’d love to hear what you love MOST bout your home town, city, or state!