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Links of the Week: America’s Richest, Lindsay Lohan, and a Dog that Fetches Beer

I had an awesome idea for a blog this week. It was amazing. This idea would have been That One. you know, the one that moved the 100-200 usual readers I have each week in to the 200-300 range. The one that really got people talking.

Unfortunately, I have the memory of a goldfish.

Seriously, it's terrible. I need to always have a pen and paper, or at least my Blackberry, near me at all times so I can write my future self emails or put down a voice recording anytime I have a decent thought. It's so bad my best man's toast at my wedding had a central theme of "Brett forgets his stuff. All the time."

But, when this particular Great Idea occurred to me, when the heavens opened and this thought was put into my skull, I thought, "No way is this leaving my brain, it's so good that it'll be branded in there." Of course, it wasn't.

So, on the note that I will forever be that guy who says "Note to self..." while talking into an audio recorder , here are your Links of the Week.

Hey! Look! This dog knows how to fetch a beer! How cute and practical! [SomewhatDamaged.net via TBL]

"The Most Powerful Colors in the Web" - again, like you have anything better to be doing? [Colourlovers via Gizomodo]

The fall TV season started up this week for most of the major shows. Every night, it seems my wife and I (still weird to say, by the way) have at least one show we both like enough to watch. The one show missing, of course, is Parks and Recreation, which was given "mid-season  treatment" so NBC could debut Outsourced, a widely panned sitcom about a call center in India. Anyway, Parks & Rec fans can get their dose of the awesome show by visiting Vulture.com until the show begins again! [Vulture via Ken Tremendous' Twitter]

BajillionHits.biz may be my new favorite thing on the internet, especially since I have to reach so much social media dredge each week. [Bajillionhits.biz]

Because we still love lists, even if they rank people according to the number of billions of dollars they are worth, The Forbes 400 came out this week! I love seeing the richest 400 people in the US. Love it. *grits teeth* [Forbes.com]

"The Grand Toxonomy of Rap Names". I dare you not to spend 10-15 minutes learning the vital associations between "50 Cent" and "Kool Moe Dee" (i.e.,: "50 Cent" -> "Numbers" -> "8Ball" -> "Drug Trade" -> "Kokane" -> "Improper Use of K" -> "Kool" -> "Kool Moe Dee" -) [World Famous Design via Gizomodo]

Here is an interesting post from the Freakonomics blog on the NY Times website about the idea of copyright within football. For example, if Bill Walsh set to copyright the "West Coast Offense", would anyone be legally allowed to duplicate it? Many offensive strategies are just ideas-- intellectual property-- after all. On a related note, I wonder if Jon Schoop could put a copyright on the 3rd-and-16 screen pass. Sorry, I'm still bitter about the Dick Jauron-era Chicago Bears. [Freakonomics]

Vanity Fair has a nice profile of the recently-out-of-jail Lindsay Lohan. I sort of feel bad for her, what with all of the crazy media treatment and all. Even if you hate her, its a good read, nonetheless. [Vanity Fair]

I've read a couple reviews already for the new Facebook movie-- I cannot wait. When I first heard about there being a Facebook movie, I immediately imagined some lame rom-com starring Bradley Cooper and Drew Barrymore, two people who fall in love only through Facebook interactions. Something like "You've Got Mail", but with poking. Anyway, the road Zuckerberg took to bringing Facebook to where it is today has been controversial and in my opinion, widely under-reported. Really looking forward to this one. [Newsweek][TheUSDaily]

And for your video of the week, the new OK GO video: