As real estate agents, McColly’s brokers understand the importance of investing in the betterment of their communities. Whether it be donating to those in need or educating others about real estate careers and homeownership, putting the community first is always a priority.
With Thanksgiving around the corner, Broker Nick Oosting wanted to do something special for the community by hosting a pie day for the holiday season. He worked with local businesses to turn the idea into reality on November 21, and many of his fellow McColly brokers joined him in support.
“Nick Oosting had a pie day where he gave away around 200 pumpkin pies and got together with other businesses,” said Marketing Director Lionel Sanchez. “Giving away free pies right before Thanksgiving was an excellent idea to provide for the community, especially for those who are less fortunate and may not be able to afford them. Anybody who wanted to come in and get a pie just had to write their name down, so it also served as a networking day to promote these businesses.”
Recognizing education as an important component of community, Jory Mattull, managing broker of McColly’s Crown Point office, attended the Trades Fair at Merrillville High School for the second year in a row on November 28. When Sanchez received a call from a guidance counselor at the school last year asking if McColly would like to participate, he immediately thought of Mattull.
Mattull was happy to return for a second year to have the opportunity to once again connect with high school students and help them envision a future in real estate. She is passionate about educating students on a career option not requiring a college degree and offering workplace flexibility. Being able to share why she fell in love with the career of a real estate agent is a joy for Mattull.
“I didn’t know what to expect last year. I thought the kids might walk right by, but there were crowds of people. They wanted to hear about being a real estate agent, which was so exciting to me because I have such a passion for it. I love sharing what we do,” Mattull said. “I’ve seen some of those same kids this year. To see them remember and come back is exciting. I love connecting with and influencing these young minds.”
While consistently bringing on new community involvement ventures, McColly is proud to have been a long time participant in their largest giveback of the year, its annual Toys for Tots drive.
“My favorite giveback is Toys for Tots because of the amount of toys we have that go to the less fortunate,” Sanchez said. “It's always a good feeling when we have a lot to give back from all of our locations. Our participation in Toys for Tots is very high. It's always nice to see the amount we give and to see the look on their faces when they come to pick the toys up.
“Without our community involvement, we wouldn’t be who we are. We have such a large footprint in this area, and we know how important it is to get involved in the community because we are a family-owned business,” Sanchez said. “We know the importance of family. We know the importance of community. We know that it takes more than just a small group to build that community, so that’s why we’re focused on involvement.”
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