Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»PNC Sign Language Fun Event June 12

PNC Sign Language Fun Event June 12

Purdue University North Central American Sign Language Club, Signing Kids of Northwest Indiana (SKNWI), and the Northwest Indiana Deaf Club will host "Let Your Stars Shine" PNCon Saturday June 12, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Liberty Bible Church, 824 N. Calumet, Chesterton.

This event will allow deaf, hard of hearing and signing Children in kindergarten through 12th grade the opportunity to meet children like them, as well as deaf, hard of hearing and signing adults. Attendees may be native signers or just learning to sign. Parents are required to stay with their children for the entire event.

The theme is Environment and Recycling. Activities will include American Sign Language (ASL) games, skits and performances. Participants will perform a group skit, which will be videotaped.

Participants and volunteers will use the communication method of their own choice. ASL, Signed English, Signed Exact English (SEE), English or any other communication method will be fostered and accepted. An interpreter will be provided. The goal of this event is to "Let Your Stars Shine" as well as encouraging sharing and communication.

In addition, Deaf and Signing Adults will present ASL Story Telling and Handshape Poems in the tradition of Deaf Culture.

Registration will be from 8:30 to 9 a.m. in the basement. The schedule is: from 9 to 9:30 a.m., an ASL game and learning ASL signs relating to the environment such as animals, sun, moon, stars and lake; 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., youngsters will split into groups to rehearse skits of environment-related stories;10:30 to 11 a.m., snacks; 11 a.m. to noon, groups will perform skits for all and have it video taped; noon to 12:30 p.m., local deaf and hard of hearing community will participate and perform ASL Poems and stories. Children will be invited to tell a story.

Preregistration is recommended and may be completed by contacting Karen Donah, PNC continuing lecturer and Coordinator of American Sign Language at rkdonah@pnc.edu. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Donah. Further information may be obrained at www.aslclub.info or www.nwideaf.org. PNC ASL Club is on Facebook too.