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Red for Ed March-In & March-Out

Red for Ed March-In & March-Out

Red for Ed is a movement that was started in order to raise awareness for the issues that have long plagued education and to rally together to protect public education funding. Our state does not have a great track record of supporting public schools. We would like to make our community aware that we are not exempt from these issues! HB 1001, HB 1005 and SB 413 would have a direct impact on Portage Township School students and staff members!

Our staff at PTS goes above and beyond for our students. It is not unusual to see our staff members arriving early, staying late and prepping things over the weekends. The demands are higher than ever. The pandemic has added even more challenges, but the state continues to take public dollars away from public schools.

On Wednesday, March 31st, 2021 we took part in a "March-In and March-out". Staff members walked in and walked out together at their contracted times (adhering to social distancing guidelines). Participants were encouraged not to take any school work home with them when they leave, but to take the evening to do something for their mental health instead. The purpose of this action was to show unity against the state’s attack on public schools! The reason we walked in and out at contracted hours was to highlight the amount of things that educators often do on our own time! Educators are asked to do more and more, but with less and less funding. HB 1001, HB 1005 and SB413 impacts our teachers, staff, students and schools. We are encouraging the community to contact legislators and urge them to prioritize public education in the budget!
You can take action here: https://www.ista-in.org/our-advocacy/ista-advocacy-center