Home»Other»Press Releases»New equipment will allow La Porte streets to be paved during winter

New equipment will allow La Porte streets to be paved during winter

Winter will not stand in the way of fixing potholes as it has in years past, according to La Porte Mayor Tom Dermody. 

The City of La Porte Street Department, under the leadership of Superintendent Mike Fraze, recently purchased a new storage total tank, which uses technology to heat the oil and tar used to fill potholes. Dermody said this heating process will allow the department to fix roads well into the winter months.

"It's no secret that the snow and cold temperatures wreak havoc on our city streets," Dermody said. "In previous years, once the weather was too cold, our team could no longer do work on the roads. However, thanks to Mike Fraze and his incredible leadership, we will now be able to keep up with repairs throughout the winter months. Our residents have identified roads and sidewalks as a top priority, and this is a great tool to have in our arsenal as we work to improve the overall quality of our infrastructure."

Dermody said the tank should be ready for use beginning January. In the meantime, residents who would like to report a pothole can do so by calling 219-362-2477, or by going online to cityoflaporte.com and clicking 'Report a Concern.'