A Positive Approach to Teen Health joins organizations across the country to bring awareness to The National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy on Wednesday, May 5. PATH will sponsor 5.5.10… but it doesn’t add up, a rally for local teens, from 6-9 p.m. Featuring motivational multi-media presentations on three giant screens, the rally will center on self-image and promotion of healthy choices. Live music, a DJ, popcorn, and ice cream complement the festivities. This ninth annual National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy focuses on the importance of avoiding too-early pregnancy and parenthood. Hundreds of thousands of teens nationwide are expected to participate through an interactive online quiz, entitled the Online Challenge about Relationships, Sex, Contraception, and Pregnancy.
Teens are encouraged to go to www.StayTeen.org and take a short, scenario-based quiz that challenges them to think carefully about what they would do in a number of risky sexual situations. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, organizer of the National Day, is also offering an online game and a public service announcement design contest. The game offers challenging puzzles testing teens’ knowledge about issues related to teen pregnancy. The game can be added to social networking profiles, and those who complete the puzzles will be eligible to win prizes.
After consistent and steady declines beginning in the early 1990s, the nation’s teen pregnancy rate rose 3% in 2006, according to recent data from the Guttmacher Institute.
PATH’s free teen rally will be held at Laurel Church, 7525 Taft St., Merrillville. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.