Freemasons have a long tradition of looking for ways to give back to the communities in which they live.
At the beginning of his term as leader of Glen Park Lodge for the 2019 year, Izzy De Jesus charged his Masonic brothers to look for new ways to get involved in the community.
“I come from a family who is always looking for ways to help others,” says De Jesus. “I wanted to bring that sense of service to the forefront during my term as Worshipful Master of this amazing Lodge.”
The first project brought before the Lodge was to partner with Thrivent Financial to perform a Habitat for Humanity build. This was an amazing opportunity for members of our Lodge who are skilled tradesmen in the fields of carpentry, electrical, and plumbing to use their skills to benefit others. Glen Park Lodge donated the labor of nine of its members to the project. The lodge members truly felt that they received more than a gave during the build, and offered assistance during the next Habitat for Humanity build. The organization was happy to take them up on their offer.
The next project brought before the lodge was to offer free first responder classes to nonprofit organization within Valparaiso, Indiana. These classes will train attendees on how to properly perform CPR, proper use in AED, and properly administer first aid. This opportunity would allow the lodge to draw on the talents of several members who have medical training, EMT experience, and experience conducting trainings is in a variety of topics. The first class is scheduled for November 9, 2019, and will be conducted at the Masonic Lodge in Valparaiso, Indiana. The first organization to take advantage of this free training is Saint Theresa Avila Catholic Church which services the students of Valparaiso University. Future classes will be available. All non-for profit organizations within Valparaiso are welcome to contact Glen Park Lodge if they are interested in a free class. The number of free classes available is limited.
Giving back to the community and helping those in need is something that all men are charged with when becoming a Freemason. The members of Glen Park Lodge invite all community members who have volunteer opportunities to reach out to the Lodge at any time.
Glen Park Lodge contact information:
Izzy De Jesus
Not just a man, a Mason