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A Portage Life in the Spotlight: Macintyre Aldrich

A Portage Life in the Spotlight: Macintyre Aldrich

Portage High School sophomore Macintyre Aldrich keeps two goals in mind as she heads to school each day:

“Be positive and try to make other people happy as much as I can,” Aldrich said. “The people in Portage make me feel accepted and welcomed.”

With her constant cheer and outgoing personality, Aldrich lights up a room.

“Macintyre is genuinely kind and has one of the most unique personalities of any student I’ve ever met,” said Mike Stills, Portage High School Principal. “Regardless of conditions, she can brighten my day with just a smile.”

She is also something of an actress. Last year, she took part in PHS’ production of Cinderella and left a big impression on audiences.

“One of the proudest thoughts I have of her is seeing her part in that musical and watching her perform,” said Megan Monohan, PHS teacher. “She has a way of making people smile, laugh, and overall is a joy to have in class. She definitely has impacted my life for the better.”

Of course, that impact goes both ways. One of Aldrich’s favorite parts of the day is her time in Tracy Bauer’s reading class. She cites Bauer as one of her biggest influences alongside her many friends.

“My friends inspire me to be a good person and help me make the right choices,” Aldrich said. “Ms. Bauer also inspires me because she is kind to me and helps me with my homework. She’s also helped me with my reading and on how to make good decisions.”

She also thanks Barbie Evans, one of PHS’ custodians, for her kindness and constant advice.

Outside of her classwork, Aldrich is also a choir member and student assistant to Nicole Sliger, School Advisor at PHS.

“I’ve known Mack since she was in 6th grade,” Sliger said. “She burst into my life and has had a place in my heart ever since. She’s positive, spunky, and silly, a bright spot in my day no matter what is happening. I look forward to her positivity and radiance every single day and I can’t wait to see how she changes the world.”

Right now, Aldrich has her eyes on a potential career she discovered out of a hobby at home.

“I want to do hair,” Aldrich said. “It’s because I like to play with my friends’, sisters’, and mom’s hair.”

Away from school, Aldrich loves to hang out with her friends and family, swim, watch Netflix, and spend time with her dog Charlie.

“My favorite thing about living in Portage is going to the movies with my family and attending youth group at Real Life Church,” she said.

Regardless of where she is or what she is doing, Aldrich definitely leaves her mark.

“Macintyre is the happiest, funniest kid I know,” said Olivia Chelich, PHS Health Assistant. “She doesn’t just walk into a room, she bursts into it – always with something positive and silly to say.”