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Purdue Northwest Offering Free Workshop for Science Teachers at Calumet Campus

Purdue-Northwest-colorMiddle and high school teachers of science, chemistry, physics, engineering and industrial/vocational technology are invited to attend a free, professional development workshop at Purdue University Northwest’s Calumet Campus June 20-24.

The workshop is designed to help teachers increase student engagement and interest in applied science through simple, low-cost experiments that can be integrated in existing lesson plans.

Low/no cost experiments
Supported by the ASM Materials Education Foundation, the workshop instructs teachers how to easily integrate everyday materials into existing lesson plans and to conduct low/no cost simple labs and experiments.

An application is available at http://www.asminternational.org/web/guest/foundation/teachers/teacher-material-camps/schedule.

Professional development
Teachers who complete the camp will earn four CEUs or 40 PGPs. Materials, lunch and snacks will be provided.

Camp support is provided by ASM International, ASM Calumet Chapter, Purdue University Northwest, AIST, AIST Midwest Chapter, NACE and the NACE Chicago Chapter.

Other information can be obtained by contacting Purdue Calumet Professor of Mechanical Engineering Harvey Abramowitz at 773/562-5330 or harveya@pnw.edu, or ASM Administrator of Foundation Programs Jeane Deatherage at 800/336-5152, ext. 5533 or jeane.deatherage@asminternational.org.

Purdue University Northwest
With recent approval by the Higher Learning Commission, Purdue University Calumet and Purdue University North Central have unified to become Purdue University Northwest (PNW), a comprehensive regional university within the Purdue University system. When PNW welcomes its first class of students this fall, it will become Indiana’s fifth largest university, enrolling more than 15,000 students and offering nearly 70 degree programs.