Home»Community»Education»Purdue University North Central and The Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce Present The Reality Store for Portage 8th Graders on May 21, 2015

Purdue University North Central and The Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce Present The Reality Store for Portage 8th Graders on May 21, 2015

Portage-Reality-Store-2012-4This annual program is scheduled for Thursday, May 21st at Fegely Middle School and Thursday, May 28th at Willowcreek Middle School.

Business and community volunteers are extremely important to this program. Volunteers will assist students as they learn how to live within their means while enjoying their chosen career. The Reality Store is an opportunity for students to learn how far their money will go in paying for housing, utilities, clothing a vehicle, and other necessary expenses while trying to have money left over to enjoy the extras in life.

We need you! We need many volunteers to make this event a success. Why should you volunteer? These 8th graders are the future pool of employees and consumers for our businesses. Their good choices make our community a great place to live!

Please say, "Yes," and join us for the half the day on Thursday, May 21 at Fegely Middle School from 7:30 AM. to 12:45 PM and/or a full day at Willowcreek Middle School on Thursday, May 28 from 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

A light breakfast will be served both days and lunch will be provided at Willowcreek for the full day.

Please fill out the form and return to Susan Brychell and Leslie Plesac at Purdue University North Central.

Fax to 219-548-3088, or email to lplesac@pnc.edu

Click Here For Registration Form