Home»Entertainment»TV, Music, and Movies»Southlake Children’s Choir to Host First Choral Festival with Special Guest Hangzhou Performing Arts School Student Performers from China

Southlake Children’s Choir to Host First Choral Festival with Special Guest Hangzhou Performing Arts School Student Performers from China

Southlake_Childrens_Choir_to_host_first-1Southlake Children's Choir will host their first ever Choral Festival with special guest Hangzhou Performing Arts School from China. Students from the community will come together at Portage High School for a day of singing, dancing and art on Saturday, Sept 27th. NWI children will perform with the Southlake Children's Choir at the 3:00 p.m. concert followed by a full concert from the performers from China. Concert is open to the public. Tickets can be bought at brownpapertickets.com