Home»Business»Jobs»Ideas in Motion Media Seeking 1 Good News Storyteller from Every School in Northwest Indiana

Ideas in Motion Media Seeking 1 Good News Storyteller from Every School in Northwest Indiana

NWI Students emailWe have something exciting brewing for all high school and college students in Northwest Indiana. What is it? Well it’s a new initiative we are starting this year with high schools students from around the region, called #1StudentNWI.

The idea is to select a stellar student to create a monthly feature for us. This is a paid position that will lead to more positive exposure for your school, program and individuals each month as they share with us about the pulse of the school.

What we need are some great students that could be hired to write about positive stories within each high school, and any other subject you would like to talk to that pertains to the events of the school. We aren't there everyday walking the halls and seeing familiar faces, so you are best equipped to let us, and the rest of Northwest Indiana, know what is going on that is positive in your school.

If you feel like this is the job for you please send a sample piece of your writing to share@ideasinmotionmedia.com and introduce yourself. Within every school is a good story, and you can be the one who tells us about it.