Home»Business»Development»Portage Press: October 16, 2013

Portage Press: October 16, 2013


Welcome to Portage Press! The Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce hopes you enjoy our new weekly e-communication just for chamber members! Submit your newsworthy entries for FREE every Friday for our Wednesday blast to the entire membership!

Simply fill out the events form on our Contact Us page of our website. www.portageinchamber.com

Gabriel's Horn Fundraiser
Portage Chamber's Partnership
The Portage Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce a partnership with Gabriel's Horn for a fundraiser to support the great role this organization has in our community.
A wine tasting event with great food and a silent auction is set for October 24th from 5:30-8:30pm at Woodland Park's Sycamore Room. As chamber members you have the opportunity to make this event a success through your attendance or the donation of an item for auction. No item is too small or too large. Your business can be showcased in the event's program. Our chamber has been a positive partner to many organizations over the last few years and with your help this organization will benefit as so many others have all ready benefited.
Don't forget Gabriel's Horn is also a Portage Chamber of Commerce Member. Tickets are available at the Chamber office for $30 advanced purchase. For more information call Mignon Kennedy 219-242-2799.

No October Portage Chamber Luncheon
Due to two date conflicts in October - there will be no Chamber Luncheon for the month of October. Do Mark your calendars for Chamber Network Night at the Valpo Expo on October 17th and the Gabriel's Horn wine tasting event on October 24th.

Members Reward & Gift Certificate Program
Portage Chamber
The Portage Chamber is updating its Member Reward Program and Gift Certificate Program. Please call Nancy at the Chamber office at 762-3300 if you would like to participate or if you have any questions. Increase your business visibility through these 2 FREE programs.

Annual Fall Dinner and Recognition Ceremony
A Salute to the Veterans and the City of Portage
Portage Chamber of Commerce
Invitations are in the mail for the Chamber's Fall Banquet taking place at Woodland Park on November 9 at 6:00 pm. Please RSVP for a great evening by October 31, 2013. If you would like to contribute to the banquet but a sponsorship is not feasible, gift basket donations are also a great way to showcase your business. Donations can be dropped off at the Chamber office.

Vera Bradley Bingo/Holiday Open House
Rittenhouse of Portage
Join Rittenhouse on Saturday November 9 from 1-3pm
20 games of Bingo. Prizes will be Vera Bradley items. Tickets $20/advance;$25/door. If your not intersted in Bingo come browse the vendor booths to do some Holiday shopping. Open to the public. All proceeds are donated to Alzheimer's Associaton. Contact Person Judy Kukelka
Website www.rittenhousesl.com
Phone 219-764-2900
Email jkukelka@rittenhousesl.com

Caregiver Support Group
Millers Senior Living Community
Saturday, November 9 10:00a.m.
The Caregiver Support Group provides information in a supportive environment where caregivers can share problems, ideas and successful solutions. The public is invited to this FREE meeting. Refreshments will be served. This ongoing Caregiver Support Group meets on the second Saturday of each month at 10AM at Miller's Senior Living Community at 5911 Lute Rd. Portage. For more information call Gwen Kiser at (219) 764-0628.

NEW! Event Planning and Hospitality Industry Marketing Campaign
Portage Parks Department
Portage Parks Department is looking for local businesses that provide services in the event planning and hospitality industry for a new marketing campaign. Businesses we are targeting include hotels, floral arrangements, DJs, lighting, party decorating, bars and restaurants, live entertainment, photography and printing services. If you would like us to showcase your business in a packet of materials that will be distributed to individuals and organizations renting our halls at Woodland Park give us a call. We will also post your information on our new website. There is no charge at this time for advertising with us. Please contact Lori Wilke at lwilkie@portage-in.com for more information or call 762-1675.

Last 2013 Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Recycling and Wast Reduction District
Porter County residents can dispose of products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable or reactive ingredients from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 26, at the old, closed Pine Elementary School, 1594 N. 500 E.
Contact Person Jeannie McCall
Website www.ItMeansTheWorld.org
Phone 219-465-3694v Email info@ItMeansTheWorld.org

Haven Hollow Harvest Fest
Portage Township
Brendan Clancy, Portage Township Trustee, and South Haven business and service organizations are hosting the 1st Annual Haven Hollow Harvest Fest on Friday, October 18th at Haven Hollow Park in South Haven, Indiana (330 W. 700 N., Valparaiso, IN 46385) from 5:30-9:30p. FREE for kids 12 years and younger, the fest features good 'ol-fashioned family fun!

Event scheduled activities include:
5:30-8p Horse & Carriage, Halloween Games & Crafts, Pumpkin Decorating, Hot Dogs & Chips, Cider Hut
6p Luminary Lighting
6:30p Costume Parade
7p Scavenger Hunt
8p Spooky Stories & S'mores by the Campfire

This is an outdoor event, please prepare for weather conditions. For questions or more information contact the Portage TOWNSHIP Department of Parks and Recreation at 219.762.1623 x 31 or visit www.facebook.com/portagetownship.org

New Location
Stallion Flooring
Stallion Flooring has moved to 5940 Us Highway 6, Portage, IN. We are now located inside the Portage Commons Shopping Mall at the intersection of Willowcreek and US Highway 6.
Starting on October 4 we will be having a pre-grand opening sale throughout the month of October: FREE installation, FREE estimates and Shaw carpet as low as $.99 a square foot. Hours are Monday to Friday 10 am to 6 pm and Saturday 11 am to 5 pm. 219-762-6482.

GIVE DAY Returns
Porter County Community Foundation
The Porter County Community Foundation, in partnership with The Times Media Company, brings back GIVE Day on November 7. This year GIVE Day will have a different focus - it will benefit kids! Your gift will help improve literacy, healthcare, safety, and quality of life for local youth.
Contact Person Carol Costakis
Website www.portercountygiveday.org
Phone 219.465.0294
Email info@portercountyfoundation.org

Ribbon Cutting/Business After Hours
1st Source Bank
First Source will showcase their newly remodeled facility at an open house on October 30 from 4:30-6:30pm with Ribbon Cutting at 5:00pm. Join us for this open to the public event.

MidWeek Mingle
Topperz-October 23-4:00-6:00pm
Build business through socializing and friendships, through gatherings every 4th Wednesday of the month. Come out, relax and unwind with friends in a casual atmosphere. Bring your business cards! Call the Chamber office at 219-762-3300 to RSVP.

New E-mail Addresses
Portage Chamber of Commerce
Make note of e-mail changes....
Nancy Simpson
Mary Linoski
Terry Hufford
ALL STAFF HAVE ACCESS TO: info@portageinchamber.com

Chamber Network Night is coming October 17, 2013. Space is currently sold out! Mark this great event on your calendar at the Porter County Expo Center.

Rise and Shine Portage Seminars
1st Wed of the month
Portage Chamber
November 6 at 9 am. A representative from WorkOne will be speaking on the topic of Business Assistance Programs for those in the Portage Community. The event will take place at the Portage University Center on Central Ave. For more info call the Chamber office at 219-762-3300.

Upcoming Chamber Happenings
October 17 Chamber Network Night - Porter County Expo Center
October 23 4:00 - 6:00 pm MidWeek Mingle 4:00 - 6:00 pm Topperz Restaurant, Rte 6, Portage
October 24th 5:30 - 8:30 pm Gabriel's Horn Wine Tasting Event & Silent Auction-Tickets available at the Chamber
November 6th 9:00am - Rise and Shine, WorkOne presenting Business Assistance Programs at Portage University Center
November 9th 6:00 pm - Annual Awards and Recognition Banquet
November 21 11:30 am - Chamber Luncheon at Texas Roadhouse

Help spread the word about our new email marketing benefit to Portage Chamber members. Go to Contact Us on our website and complete the Event Form to submit your entry. Entries should be in by end of business every Friday to be included on the next Wednesday's newsletter.

Thank you for continued support of the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce.