Home»Community»Education»Student Credit Unions From Regional FCU to Start Up Again in September 2013

Student Credit Unions From Regional FCU to Start Up Again in September 2013

bottomRegional Federal Credit Union is reopening the Student Credit Unions that are located in select schools in Northwest Indiana this fall. Regional FCU knows how to make finances fun!

"The re-openings are a lot of fun for the students. The theme at the elementary and middle school this year will be "Make Your Savings Pop",” Sara Meyer-Zasada, Director of Educational Initiatives for Regional Federal Credit Union, said. “At the elementary schools, any student who opens an account or makes a deposit to an existing account will participate in a pencil pull. The pencil pulls are color coded so each student will win a prize which will include lunch boxes, plush items and more! At the middle and high schools, we will bring a prize wheel. Students who open accounts or make deposits to existing accounts will spin the wheel and win prizes. The prizes for this level will include sunglasses, gift cards, candy and more!”

The following are the schools and the dates of their grand re-openings. The elementary schools grand re-openings are held at the beginning of the school day, and the middle and high schools are held during the lunch periods.

Wednesday, September 11th, Morton Elementary

Thursday, September 12th, Willowcreek Middle

Friday, September 13th, Portage High School East

Monday, September 16th, Irving Elementary

Tuesday, September 17th, Morton High

Wednesday, September 18th, Scott Middle

Thursday, September 19th, Hobart Middle

Friday, September 20th, Hobart High

Tuesday, September 24th, Morgan Township MS/HS

Wednesday, September 25th, Portage High West (freshman Side)

Thursday, October 1st, Bishop Noll Institute