Home»Community»Serving»Portage Press July 17, 2013

Portage Press July 17, 2013

portage-chamber-portage-pressWelcome to Portage Press! The Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce hopes you enjoy our new weekly e-communication just for chamber members! Submit your newsworthy entries for FREE every Friday for our Wednesday blast to the entire membership!

Simply fill out the events form on our Contact Us page of our website. www.portageinchamber.com

In This Issue Midwest Family FCU July Chamber Luncheon Chamber Network Night Memory Screenings Midweek Mingle Rise and Shine Seminars Upcoming Chamber Happenings

Midwest Family Federal Credit Union is Hiring!

Midwest Family FCU has an opening for a part time teller. (approximately 25-29 hours/week).

Interested candidates should stop by the credit union at 2832 Willowcreek Road in Portage and complete an application or send their resume to Erica Wood, Vice President at: ericaw@mwffcu.org

July Chamber Luncheon

Our July luncheon is on July 18th at 11:30 at Woodland Park. Come out and network and hear our luncheon speakers give a presentation on: Opportunities for small business financing through the Small Business Administration given by Carrie Kosac of 1st Source Bank and Ruth Ann Church of the Great Lakes Trade Adjustment Assistance Center will talk about the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms-about what it is and who it is good for. We will also be doing our 30 Seconds of Fame!

Our Caterer for this event will be Billy Jacks Cafe. $15.00 for members

Please reserve by July 16th by calling us at 762-3300 or by email at info@portageinchamber.com.

Chamber Network Night is coming October 17, 2013. We are now selling booth space! Please contact us at 762-3300 to reserve your space.

Memory Screenings

Rittenhouse Senior Living

Concerned about your memory? Rittenhouse Senior Living will be providing free, confidential memory screenings on July 30, 2013 from 10:00a.m. to noon as part of Community Memory Screenings initiative. Judy Kukelka 219-764-2900 jkukelka@rittenhousesl.com

Midweek Mingle

Ambassador/Membership Committee

The Chamber's Mid-week Mingle is about building business through socializing and friendships. Come out, relax and unwind every fourth Wednesday each month. Casual. Bring a supply of business cards to share. Our first event was June 26th at El Cantarito Mexican Cuisine. Those who attended had a very good time and even made some good business contacts. Please see the calendar for upcoming meetings --- Join us July 24 at Buffalo Wild Wings! Rise and Shine Portage Seminars

Portage Chamber

First Wednesday of each month at 9 am, Chamber members present a 1-hour topic of interest in Portage. Members invited to attend or speak. Brochures/business cards OK. Next month, tax deferred retirement savings for business and employees, presented by Edward Jones Investments. See calendar for details. Reservation: 763-6238 Terry Hardin 219-763-6238 hardintd@msn.com

Upcoming Chamber Happenings

  • July 18th Luncheon at Woodland Park
  • August 15th Luncheon with our PTS Superintendent, Dr. Ric Frataccia giving the State of the Schools Address
  • Music in the Park -Every Tuesday at 6:00 pm at Woodland Park -see our website for more information

Click Here for Chamber Calendar

Help spread the word about our new email marketing benefit to Portage Chamber members. Go to Contact Us on our website and complete the Event Form to submit your entry. Entries should be in by end of business every Friday to be included on the next Wednesday's newsletter. Thank you for continued support of the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce.

Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce info@portageinchamber.com 2642 Eleanor St Portage, IN 46368